
U.N. Security Council fails... yet again

Breaking News - Riots in the Streets of Bhundi

After a vote of U.N. Council members over proposed U.N. sanctions and activities in the Republic of Khalisee, the U.N. has announced it will not be taking any actions or sending troops into Khalisee.

As soon as the announcement was made, riots broke out in the streets of Bhundi city as concerned citizens protested over food shortages and the ever decreasing value of the national currency, the Sphlat.


Mass grave uncovered in Khalisee

sin news (Seriously Irresponsible Nightly News) reports a mass grave has been uncovered in Khalisee today.

"A spokesman for the Khalisee Government, a Mr. Dhon Bhalevemi, says FELCH rebels are responsible for the deaths of innocent civilians. KAMP troops are being sent into the area to defend locals from rebel attacks.

In breaking news..."
